Kaldor Project 36: do it (australia)

In a time of global lockdown precipitated by COVID-19 public health measures, do it (australia) was a response to a changed landscape for presenting public art.

Kaldor Public Art Project 36: do it (australia) was the latest incarnation of 'do it', the longest-running and most far-reaching artist-led project in the world. Initiated by Hans Ulrich Obrist in 1993, the project asks artists to create simple instructions that generate an artwork, whether an object, a performance, an intervention, or something else entirely.

The primary artists and creative practitioners invited to participate in do it (australia) were Rafael Bonachela, Lauren Brincat, Megan Cope, Brian Fuata, Dale Harding, Saskia Havekes, Amrita Hepi, Julia Jacklin, Jonathan Jones, Janet Laurence, Ian Milliss, Tracey Moffatt, Glenn Murcutt, Gerald Murnane, nova Milne, Khaled Sabsabi, Latai Taumoepeau and Thom van Dooren. The project was co-curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and John Kaldor, with Kaldor Public Art Projects curator Emily Sullivan and Monique Leslie Watkins.

Others wishing to participate in the project were invited to follow the instructions of any artist listed above, enter their world and realise an artwork of their own.

Presented in partnership with Serpentine Galleries, London, Independent Curators International and Google Arts and Culture, and supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies

Exhibition location: Presented online via doit.kaldorartprojects.org.au and the Kaldor Public Art Projects Instagram feed
Exhibition dates: May 13 to June 30, 2020.
Exhibition Catalogue Online: (NB: Due to the amount of mutimedia works in the catalogue it may take some time to load)

This video work was created in response to the Glenn Murcutt Kaldor Public Art Project 36 instruction: 'Find the vanishing light of a shadow catcher'

TITLE: Kaldor Project 36: Shadow Catcher. 2020
Video, dimensions variable
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