Video works


Digital video murals and screen works

Below is a sample of a range of exhibited video works. Further works may be found on the Artscope Visual - Kris Smith video website, as well as on []

If you would like further information about video collections or commissions, please contact Kris via the Artscope Visual contact page.

Magnolia lumenographic

Magnolia lumenographic [Detail]
2024. Digital animation
Video duration: 11 min, 18 sec (11:18 min)
Size: 4K (3840 x 2160 px)

Numerous simultaneous drawings combine to build a chiaroscuro image of foliage and flowers. Literally a graphic consisting of gestural lines of light, outlining and highlighting objects otherwise embedded in darkness. The constantly moving cursors reminiscent of the molecular energy found in all things.

Exhibition Information:
This work was selected as a finalist piece in the Gosford Art Prize Exhibition 2024. Further information may be found here


An overview of the exhibition "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" held at Maitland Regional Art Gallery from September 6 to November 20, 2022.
Video commissioned by Maitland Regional Art Gallery and produced by Newy Digital. Music (used in all videos below): "Brightening" by Chad Crouch [Hush Records]

An overview of the spaces and artworks layout of the "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" exhibition

Luminous still life
Installation image of 2 channel WUXGA digital animation
(projection, 9.7m x 3.5m)
Duration: 8 min 20 sec (loop)

Sample footage from the "Mountain" 4K video triptych

Excerpts from the "Ecliptic Journey" synchronised 3 channel video

The entry zone of the ‘Luminosity’ exhibition. This area consists of 2 wall mounted videos placed opposite a mural of 364 digital prints representing approximately a year of daily activities. In the video works we see coloured cubes (each with a particular significance) being swept by a moving shadow that draws attention to the rotation of the earth and its transit around the sun. A viewer is invited to reflect on the rhythm of this, and the personal and seasonal implications of such journey. Further information re this work may be found on the ‘Cube Diary’ webpage.

Image Details

Details and overview of the limited edition "Luminous still life 1-8251" digital print
Medium: Lucia Pro pigment ink digital drawing on 310gsm 100% cotton archival paper.
Size: 74 x 52 cm

Details and overview of the limited edition "Luminous still life 2-8299" digital print
Medium: Lucia Pro pigment ink digital drawing on 310gsm 100% cotton archival paper.
Size: 74 x 52 cm